Frequently Asked Questions

For participants

Can all ages participate?

Yes! This event is open to ALL ages and is family friendly. 

How many cards can I have?

Each person can have up to one (1) card, max and prize redemptions are limited to one (1) individual, only. Any participants found sharing cards or attempting to redeem more than one will have their card confiscated. Please don't make us confiscate your card!

How much does it cost to participate?

You can purchase a BINGO card for $3, each. Cards can be purchased online (here) now for pick-up in one of the select shops or you can purchase directly in those shops. Visit the BINGO card page for a full list of shops who have cards on hand... there is at least one in nearly every neighborhood.  

What do I have to do to get a stamp on my BINGO card? Do I need to make a purchase at each shop?

Purchases are not required to earn stamps for your BINGO cards but they are sure are appreciated. The goal, after all, is supporting these small businesses across Tacoma. Most shops sell items for under $5 and all prizes for this event are supplied by the very shops you are visiting. That said, we want to keep this event as accessible as possible, so if you are not in position to make a purchase, please do expect the shop may have a task for you to complete. Completion of the task is required to earn a stamp... this is a game after all. A sample task could be writing and mailing a postcard, for example!

Where do the funds from cards go?

This is a not-for-profit program. Our goal is driving awareness and traffic to small businesses across Tacoma, WA. Proceeds from the cards go to covering our costs including costs of the prizes to the shops as well as the costs associated with producing and printing the cards and flyers. 

When does the event run?

The event will run through the month of July - from July 1 to July 31, 2024! If we can make this one a success, plan to hear from us again in the Fall. 

How and where will I be able to redeem prizes?

Redemption of prizes can happen during the event only, from July 1 to July 31, 2024. Shops will not support redemption of prizes after July 31, sorry! You can redeem BINGOs for prizes in select shops. You can find out more about prizes and their availability on our prizes page

How many prizes do you have?

Please visit the prize page for the latest information on available prizes (small and big) as well as how many remain. We've done our best to ensure MANY prizes to choose from, but prizes are limited as they are provided at cost by the business themselves. Play and redeem early for the best selection!

For participating businesses 

How can me/my shop participate?

Thanks for asking! Applications for this round are closed. We received an overwhelming number of applicants and did our best to ensure businesses across Tacoma were represented. We are hoping this event is a success so we can do it again in the future, so sign-up for our email list or shoot us a message if you're interested. 

Do I need to pay anything to participate?

There is no fee for applying and no fee for being a part of the game. As part of the application, we are asking if you are willing to provide 5-across prizes ($5 retail or less, think a chocolate bar) or full BINGO prizes ($20 or less, think a notebook or a tote bag). This event is put-on by small businesses for small businesses; the more compelling the prizes, the more folks will want to participate. The success of this is a real team effort. 

If I can provide prizes, how many do I need to provide?

The number of prizes is dependent upon the number of cards and participants. It's OK for prizes to be limited and we will work to share funds from the sale of the cards with those who provide prizes to cover some of the costs. Please include details on how many and what you can provide in your application. 

What type of businesses are you looking for?

For this first go-around we are looking for small businesses located in the city of Tacoma, WA. We are looking for shops that have a physical presence and posted hours of operation. Hours can be limited; but must be posted in a way where folks can plan around it. We are looking for places that are open to ALL AGES so this can be family friendly, and, at this time, we are not including cafes or restaurants.. though trust we have an idea for you all, as well. 

I want to support but don't have a business to include, can I?

Yes! Thank you for asking! We are looking for folks who would like to support this effort either by offering goods and services (eg. maybe you can provide some prizes, maybe you have a service that can produce prizes, or maybe you can help with Marketing and getting the word out). If you're interested, please apply as a sponsor!

How will you choose the participating businesses?

We will select businesses once we have all of the applications. Our goal is to include businesses across all of Tacoma, not just one neighborhood, and to select businesses both new and old, large and small. If possible, we will try to include different categories; it really just depends on who applies!

What is my responsibility as a small business participant?

Share the event to get the word out, stamp cards as folks come in and make a purchase OR complete an activity/task (yours to choose!) and provide prizes if you choose to provide them. We will take care of printing and selling the cards, printing the flyers (we will always take help getting those around town), and will even provide you with your own stamp that is unique to you for the event!